Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Thread - Ruth - Committed Servant

Ruth stands as an example of someone who wasn’t afraid to serve those who were in positions of authority in her life. She knew what it meant to commit to a cause and follow through on that commitment.
Outline: Commitment has no limits: Nothing gets in the way of commitment in a relationship. Ruth’s determination to stay with Naomi has no limits. Commitment takes investment: Naomi is overcome with grief, and yet Ruth stays at her side. Ruth supports Naomi as she is overcome with grief. She provides the income for both of them. Commitment involves risk: Ruth asks Boaz to risk his life and reputation to support Naomi and Ruth. She trusts him to care for them. Commitment brings joy: Both Ruth and Boaz are faithful to their commitments. Ruth gives birth to a son and Naomi adopts him as her own. This son named Obed carries on the family line and becomes the grandfather of King David. Reflection: What are the levels of your commitments? Commitment to the LORD? To family? To the church? To your spiritual, emotional and physical health?

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