Wednesday, February 26, 2020


     With the Lenten season starting today, I would like to propose a different way of thinking about it.
     So often we have heard that Lent involves giving up something in order to get closer to the LORD, say 'no' to our own desires and 'yes' to His. We simplify our lives in order to hear God's voice more clearly.
     But Lent, and life itself, is about us living below the blessing level that the LORD has provided. We are always living less than His design. Ever since that first fruit grab, and our subsequent exit from God's Garden, we have lived below our design.
     Think about driving down the road with two flat tires. It works. You can get places. But it is not the way cars were designed to be used.
     So during this Lenton season, don't think so much about what you are giving up, but about what you are gaining by living more in line with His will, more fully embracing His design for your life.
     Notice, for instance your need for food and the blessing food is in our lives. Clean water. Relative safety. The blessing of friendship. The joys of giving. The fulfillment of self-sacrifice. The lessons of suffering. The pain of being alone. Notice these things and hear the message of our Savior.
     Jesus provided for our restoration to full relationship with each other and with Him. And yet we don't live in this reality. We are already saved, set apart for His glory, and seated with Him in heavenly places. And yet we don't seem to experience this in the reality of our lives.
     So take this time to experience a little bit more of His design for our lives. Enjoy!

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