Proverbs 14:14
I received a text message telling me that I
had used 90% of my allotted minutes of calling time with seven days to go
before my billing plan resets. I don’t know if I will make it without going
over minutes. Usually we don’t have any problem with the number of minutes in
our plan. But I made three hour-long calls this month. Those calls pushed us
close to the edge. Someone has to pay for this mistake. I guess it will have to
be me!
Does it bother you that some people seem to “get
away with it?” They are obviously doing something that deserves an intervention
of the judgment type, and yet they seem to continue without any negative repercussions
for their actions. I am sure you can think of a couple people in your life who
fit this category, perhaps even you!
There is another way to think about this, is
that we all are getting away with it to one degree or another. It is not that
each of us needs grace. It is that some people’s actions are so egregious, so
damaging to others that your soul cries out for someone to stop them dead in
their tracks.
We all live in an age of mercy. The LORD is
not making final judgments the moment sin happens. Currently, people do get
away with things. That includes us!
There is a day coming when faithless deeds will
earn their punishment and rewards will be given for acts done out of grace. That
day is coming! But it isn’t here yet. So we yearn for justice for other people
and grace for ourselves.
Would it be possible to pray for grace for
other people? Could we pray for those who persecute us, mistreat us, or harm
It is true that someday the scales of
justice will be visible, and on that day there won’t be any questions about
fairness. We will understand more fully than we do right now. We will see the
quantity of grace that we needed in our lives. I imagine it will be much more
than we think!
So next time you see justice not being
served, remember that there is a day coming when justice will be fully
satisfied. I am glad I live under the grace and mercy of Christ.